On May 7th, I spent a lovely evening out with my husband. We went out to Mr. Lees to have dinner by ourselves. It was to celebrate Mother's Day. I know it sounds wrong to celebrate it without your kiddos, but I just wanted to have a few hours with James by myself. It was amazing evening. On the way home from our dinner, I mentioned how late I was and how surprised I was that nothing had happened yet. I had been working out like crazy and dieting so I chalked up the missing/late cycle to that. Afterall, I was 17 days late the month before. James had commented that it made him nervous and would rather I spent the money on a test just to know for sure. We stopped at our local drug store and I bought a couple of fancy prego tests. I remember it was pouring outside and I was giggling about having to get out and buy these tests. Now, I will admit I was starting to worry that I was feeling not so sure of myself. I was starting to doubt whether I knew for sure I couldn't be pregnant. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given in and bought and taken the tests. We got home and put the kids to bed. I went and did what you do with the prego tests. I sat it down, washed my hands and then went to put on my PJs. James walked in right behind me and said "Guess what? You're pregnant." I didn't believe him. I went and grabbed it from him and couldn't believe my eyes. I had bought the digital kind, so there isn't any kind of line drama to figure out. PREGNANT. What? It didn't take me long to think back to that one night, that was supposed to be a "safe" day to not get pregnant. Hmmm. How did this happen, we are so careful about these things. We've been married over 10 years and never slipped up. At the time, I didn't understand how I or why I got pregnant when it shouldn't have even been possible. Now, I know of course. James and I were both excited for a new baby. It has worried us both that we weren't financially ready for another child yet, but we know God will provide. We know that things will work out. We know this baby is a blessing. So this baby has a due date that will never match up with when it should have been. She is due December 20, 2011. She is a miracle.